


2024-04-27 08:31:00 点击:34
To check the GPU model in Linux, there are a few different commands that can be used depending on the specific information you are looking for. The most common way to check the GPU model is by using the command line utility `lspci`, which allows you to view detailed information about all the PCI devices connected to your system, including the GPU.

To use `lspci` to check the GPU model, you can open a terminal window and simply type the following command:

``` lspci | grep -i vga ```

This command will list all PCI devices related to the VGA controller, which typically includes the GPU. The output will display the vendor and model information of the GPU installed on your system.

Another command that can be used to check the GPU model is `lshw`, which is a tool for displaying detailed hardware information about the system. You can use the following command to view information about the GPU:

``` lshw -C display ```

This will provide detailed information about the display controllers in your system, including the GPU model and other relevant details.

Additionally, you can also use the `nvidia-smi` command if you have an Nvidia GPU installed on your system. This command is specific to Nvidia GPUs and provides detailed information about the GPU, including the model, driver version, temperature, and more.

To use `nvidia-smi`, simply open a terminal window and type the following command:

``` nvidia-smi ```

This will display detailed information about the Nvidia GPU installed on your system.

If you are using an AMD GPU, you can use the `radeontop` command to view information about the GPU. This command provides real-time monitoring of the GPU usage, temperature, and other relevant details.

To use `radeontop`, open a terminal window and type the following command:

``` radeontop ```

This will display real-time information about the AMD GPU installed on your system.

In conclusion, there are several commands that can be used in Linux to check the GPU model, including `lspci`, `lshw`, `nvidia-smi`, and `radeontop`, depending on the specific GPU manufacturer and information you are looking for. These commands provide detailed information about the GPU installed on your system, helping you to identify the model and other relevant details.
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