


2024-04-08 08:44:59 点击:57
udevadm is a command-line utility that allows users to interact with the udev (device manager) service in Linux operating systems. It is used for managing device nodes in the /dev directory, which is responsible for representing hardware devices connected to the system.

udevadm provides various options and functionalities to manage devices, such as creating or removing device nodes, reloading the udev rules, querying device information, and triggering events for specific devices. In this article, we will explore the different capabilities of udevadm and how it can be utilized to effectively manage devices in a Linux system.

One of the primary functions of udevadm is to create or remove device nodes in the /dev directory. This is often necessary when a new hardware device is connected to the system, and udev needs to create a corresponding device node for it. The command for creating a device node is:

```bash udevadm trigger ```

This command triggers udev to create device nodes for any newly detected devices. Similarly, to remove device nodes, the command is:

```bash udevadm settle ```

This command waits for udev to settle after devices have been removed, ensuring that the device nodes are removed from the /dev directory.

Another important functionality of udevadm is to reload the udev rules. Udev rules are used to define custom actions that should be taken when specific devices are connected to the system. The command to reload the udev rules is:

```bash udevadm control --reload-rules ```

This command reloads the udev rules from the configuration files, allowing any changes or additions to take effect immediately.

Additionally, udevadm can be used to query device information. This can be useful for troubleshooting or debugging purposes, as it allows users to retrieve detailed information about specific devices connected to the system. The command to query device information is:

```bash udevadm info -a -n /dev/device ```

This command displays all available information about the specified device, including its parent devices, attributes, and udev properties.

Furthermore, udevadm can be used to trigger events for specific devices. This is useful when users want to manually trigger udev to perform certain actions, such as loading a specific driver or executing a script when a device is connected. The command to trigger events is:

```bash udevadm trigger --action=action_name --subsystem=subsystem_name ```

This command triggers a specific action for devices belonging to the specified subsystem, allowing users to customize the behavior of udev for specific devices.

In conclusion, udevadm is a powerful tool for managing device nodes and interacting with the udev service in Linux. With its various functionalities and options, users can effectively manage devices, reload udev rules, query device information, and trigger events as needed. By understanding and utilizing udevadm effectively, users can ensure the smooth operation of hardware devices in their Linux systems.


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