


2023-11-26 08:45:13 点击:82
The Java `Record` class, introduced in Java 14, is a new feature that simplifies the process of creating immutable data objects. This class provides a concise and expressive way to define classes that exclusively hold state and have no behavior of their own.

A Java `Record` class is declared using the `record` keyword followed by the class name and a parameter list inside parentheses. The parameters in the parameter list act as the fields of the record, and they are implicitly final and private. The compiler automatically generates a constructor, accessors, and `equals()`, `hashCode()`, and `toString()` methods for the record class.

For example, let's create a simple record class to represent a person's name and age:

``` record Person(String name, int age) {} ```

With just this one-liner, the Java compiler generates the constructor, accessors, and other methods for the `Person` class. We can now create instances of the `Person` class and access its fields using the generated accessor methods:

``` Person john = new Person("John", 30); System.out.println(john.name()); // Output: John System.out.println(john.age()); // Output: 30 ```

Since the fields of a record are implicitly final, they cannot be modified after the object is initialized. This immutability guarantees that records are thread-safe and can be safely shared across multiple threads.

Records also provide a concise way to implement value-based equality. The automatically generated `equals()` and `hashCode()` methods compare the values of all the fields of the record. This means that two record objects are considered equal if and only if all their fields are equal. We can use the `equals()` method to compare two record objects:

``` Person john = new Person("John", 30); Person johnCopy = new Person("John", 30); System.out.println(john.equals(johnCopy)); // Output: true ```

Records also provide a readable implementation of the `toString()` method, which returns a formatted string representation of the record's state:

``` Person john = new Person("John", 30); System.out.println(john.toString()); // Output: Person[name=John, age=30] ```

In addition to the automatically generated methods, we can also define our own methods in a record class. However, it's important to note that record classes cannot extend other classes, as they implicitly extend the `java.lang.Record` class.

The `Record` class in Java provides a powerful and convenient way to define immutable data objects. It eliminates the boilerplate code required to create such classes and enhances code readability and maintainability. When designing systems that require immutable data objects, leveraging the `Record` class in Java can significantly simplify the development process.

In conclusion, the Java `Record` class is a valuable addition to the language that brings simplicity and conciseness to the creation of immutable data objects. By providing a single-line declaration syntax and automatically generating the necessary methods, records enable developers to focus on the core logic of their applications rather than getting lost in the implementation details of immutable data structures.
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